About Us

Founded in 2024

Based in Minneapolis

8+ Projects

We believe every brand has a unique story to tell we are here to help you tell it.

Ambrosia is an independent creative studio owned and led by Tyler Seufert. Founded with an ambition to create passionate and functional designs, our services reaches across print, packaging, editorial, advertising, and digital user experiences. We create brand identity, graphic design, and art direction for the industries of fashion, art, culture, and commerce.

Our approach is simple: we listen first. We want to understand your vision, your goals, and what you hope to achieve. Once we have a deep understanding of your brand, we begin to craft a creative treatment that is tailored to your specific needs.

Our Value

Authenticity. Badass Design. Performance Driven Treatments.

What does this look like?

By embracing authenticity in design, we aim to produce work that is collaborative, user-centered, and reflective of our brands goals. To cultivate experiences that defy the status quo while withstanding the changes of our ever changing digital and creative landscape.

By embracing authenticity in design, we aim to produce work that is collaborative, user-centered, and reflective of our client's brand goals. To cultivate experiences that defy the status quo while withstanding the changes of our ever changing digital and creative landscape.

Let’s create an experience as remarkable as your business


Let’s create an experience as remarkable as your business
